Friday, October 11, 2019

Choosing the Right Seals for Your Cold Temperature, Cryogenic Valves

Choosing the Right Seals for Your Cold Temperature, Cryogenic Valves


Selecting the right seals for your cold temperature, and cryogenic valves is based on the specifications of the means and dealing out necessities. Different means give rise to distinct complications when considering the level of success of the seal. The constant pressure, thermal and valve cycling causes the seal to wear and tear. Also, the exposure of the seals to extremely cold temperatures complicates the effectiveness of the seal.

Why cold temperatures have need of special seals

Extremely cold temperatures can lead to the destruction of a valve seal. In a case where the valve seal is not designed to resist temperatures that are extremely cold, the valve tends to fail, and lead to the freezing of the valve, or a worse condition. When talking about cold temperatures, it could be between the temperatures of less than 51 degrees Fahrenheit to -321 degrees Fahrenheit. Certain cryogenic procedures deal with temperatures that are even colder. But the fact remains that variances in the range have need of various seals, in cases like this, you can make use of either KEL-F, TFM, or Teflon that are all designed to cater for particular temperatures, and conditions. They are the most used valve seals.

Cryogenic Seals

The cryogenic seals that are found in the cryogenic valve are should not just be cold resistant. They should provide a tight seal that prevents leak, and also maintain its shape under pressure. The seals should reduce the rigorousness of the cycling fluxes and additional stresses linked to the cycling speed of the valve and the stresses created by media. All the seals that have been mentioned before cater for them, and offer protection against thermal fluctuations and pressure. TFM, KEL-F, and Teflon are the best choices of most people for cryogenic valves. This is because they offer longevity, reliability, and versatility in a wide operating temperature range. The performance of the valve majorly depends on the veracity of the seals, especially in cryogenic seals, because they are laid open to severer internal environments.

Common Cryogenic Seals

It is also referred to as PCTFE. It contains fluorocarbon, and has a known trademark of the 3M Corporation. This seal possesses extremely low water vapour diffusion rate in plastics. KEL-F can function at various temperatures of about -400 degrees to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. It possesses a good tensile strength, it is non-flammables, and possesses a low coefficient for thermal expansion. It cannot absorb moisture, and has no resistance to chemicals.
This seal was initially produced by NASA to cater for the extremely low temperature in space. It is either classified as TFE (Virgin Teflon), or PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), or RTFE (Virgin Teflon reinforced with a minimum of 15% fibrous glass). One of the biggest advantages of Teflon is that it is able to resist a lot of chemicals. As a result, it is mostly more preferable to other seals that are produced with carbon that offer better lubrication and a higher corrosion resistance.
TFM is well known with the Super-Tek brand name. It is a hybrid material which is more like TFE, but it is more versatile. Also, TFM possesses a temperature rating of -50 degrees to about 500 degrees Fahrenheit. It provides a reduced friction coefficient at low torques. It is one of the best seals.
It is very important that you choose the right seals for your cold temperature. Above are some of the best seals that we strongly recommend. You can choose any of them that best suit you. Good Luck!

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